What’s your answer?


You are out at a cocktail party or event. Someone walks up and introduces themselves. After the pleasantries, the same question always comes up; “So…what do you do?”

Usually, our go-to response is “I am a _____” or “I work for a _____.” Or we might ramble on describing the things we do and with every sentence, it becomes less and less clear. Typically, that leads the person to move on to the next topic, or possibly that’s their cue to exit the conversation.

But what if your answer caused someone to say, “Wow…tell me more.” 

You might call it your elevator pitch, and every person in your firm needs one…and it helps if they are the same.

What’s a great elevator pitch? It typically has three parts.

  1. State the problem.

  2. State the solution.

  3. State the transformation that can take place when the problem is solved.

Here’s an example for a financial advisor: “Managing your finances in today’s world can be confusing. There are lots of options, and choosing the right strategy can feel overwhelming. We simplify the process, so you don’t have to live your life wondering if you are making the right financial decisions.”

Now isn’t that better than saying: “I’m a financial advisor.” or “I work for a financial advisory firm.”

And finally, your marketing should incorporate your elevator pitch through your website, social media, and emails.

Recently we produced a series of videos for social media ads for Discover Blind Spots. So here’s our answer to what we do.

If you want to talk more about clarifying your elevator pitch, click the link above, and let’s schedule a time to talk.


Let’s do this tomorrow…


How to sell without selling